Where Can I Go Swimming At Night Near Me

Last Updated on August 1st, 2023

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Most of the time, pools are closed at night. This makes it hard to swim, whether for fun or practice after the sun goes down. 

Thankfully, depending on where you live, there are options. For example, a beach, lake, or even a decent-sized pond can allow you to get the swimming time you want in the hours that work best for you. 

Look around your town or neighborhood and see what is near you. While some government-owned parks may also close at night, there may be a few places that don’t mind you entering. 

Keep reading to learn more about swimming at night, including what you need to pack and what dangers may be present. 


Where Should You Go Swimming At Night Near You?

Depending on where you live, it can be difficult to go swimming at night. Some pools stay open 24/7, but these can be few and far between. 

Most people agree that open water is your best option if you want a magical place to go swimming at night. This would be oceans and beaches. 

Sometimes, places in the open water have bioluminescent algae that can light up as you move. Many people describe this as a once-in-a-lifetime experience. However, if you want to focus on swimming practice, the waves may cause issues with your strokes.

Even a large enough pond or lake can be beautiful at night if you don’t live near an ocean. If you float, you can float and look at the stars during a break or enjoy the water all to yourself if it is normally busy. 

Ponds tend to be more still, as they are smaller than lakes, but unless it is bad weather, lakes can be fairly still as well.

If the pond or lake is in a state or national park or some other government-owned land, ensure you can swim at night. 


When Is the Best Time to Go Swimming At Night?

For swimming practice, most people recommend you stop swimming at least an hour before you would usually go to bed. This allows you to still get your normal sleep schedule.

Others simply say anytime in the late evening, as you are properly hydrated and your muscles have been worked and stretched throughout the day. 

If you are going to a body of water that is easy to access, you may want to wait until very early in the morning to avoid people that might be there hanging out. 

Also, though it may seem the opposite of what you’d assume, it is darkest at night, right before dawn. So if there isn’t much light in the area, or it’s close to a new moon, it might be best to swim earlier to allow you to see better while swimming. 


What Do You Need to Bring With You When You’re Going Swimming At Night Near You?

There are several things you will want to pack when swimming at night. On top of your usual swimming items, you also need items for safety and for dealing with cooler temperatures. 


  • Swimsuit
  • Swim Cap
  • Towel
  • Shoes
  • Change of clothes
  • A wetsuit (If the water in your area is cold)
  • Phone
  • Flashlight
  • Mini med kit
  • Water
  • Goggles
  • Snacks


What Do You Need to Know Before You Go Swimming At Night Near You?

Before you go swimming at night, you must ensure you can swim there at night. A lot of government-run parks, even if free to enter, have a time that the park is open. 

Just because the gate isn’t closed or locked doesn’t mean it is open. If you are unsure, call around and see if you can find answers. Exploring the area and swimming in the water during the day a few times before attempting to swim there at night is also a good idea. 

This is because, unlike pools, open bodies of water can have dangerous objects that you can hit or hurt yourself on, like rocks, branches, or submerged objects. 

By swimming during the day, you can at least note where these objects are so you can avoid them in the future when you can’t see them as well. 


Is Swimming At Night Near You Considered to Be Dangerous?

There are always dangers associated with the nighttime. Even while swimming, these dangers are always present. Besides that, however, there are a few other dangers to be aware of. 

The first is that there are usually fewer people around. This means that if you do injure yourself or need help, you will likely be on your own compared to during the day. 

The second is that if you are out in the wilderness, there are a lot more animals active at night rather than during the day. This means your chances of encountering dangerous wildlife can increase. 

The third is cold. If you live in an area where the temperature drops at night, you may find yourself getting very cold, even while exercising.

 Even if the air temperature is nice, the water stays cold for much longer, especially if it is deep. So check the water temperatures and wear a wetsuit if the water is too cold to swim safely. 

You may also want to bring a set of clothes to change into so that you can dry off and warm up quickly instead of standing in the cold air in wet clothes. Finally, as we mentioned above, the last major danger is that you are unable to see as well as you could during the day.

 There could be obstacles in the way that can cause injury or something submerged beneath the surface that you cannot see. You could even trip on a rock as you are walking. 


Final Thoughts on Where Can You Go Swimming At Night Near You

Now that you know what to expect when swimming at night, you can be prepared and ready to go. There are many benefits to swimming at night, but also some dangers to be aware of, including the cold, wildlife, and lack of sight. 

The first step, however, is to see what places near you don’t mind people swimming in them at night. 

