Why Do Swimmers Practice So Early In The Morning?
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This is going to be an athlete’s mentality, first in the pool and last to leave, or at least to a degree.
Arriving early to a facility usually means you’re going to be one of the only people there using the pool. Alone time in the pool can be invaluable and can be utilized to strengthen skills.
Other incentives to being up early include a simple healthy start to the day, which, like taking a morning jog, can boost mood and energy throughout the day. Not to mention, other early-goers might be similar-minded and become friends.

How Do You Survive Morning Swim Practice?
If you are not a morning person or just struggle to get going in the early hours of the day, the ideal morning swim practice might sound horrible.
However, as a morning person, I recommend rewarding yourself for getting up with a sweet coffee, breakfast confection, or pastry.
You will burn off the pastry’s calories during practice, plus the early morning dopamine release can help make waking up more pleasant.
Be sure to check in with the coach upon arrival, hydrate, and stretch, work your hardest in practice, and have recovery drinks and snacks for afterward.

What time do Olympic Swimmers wake up?
Reaching the topmost level of any sport requires the next level of dedication to that sport. Swimmers that have the drive and motivation to get into the pool early and get that work in to improve their bodies are the ones you see on the podiums.
The typical wake-up time for Olympic team swimmers will be around six o’clock, and breakfast starts soon thereafter at around 6:30 am.
There is no such thing as sleeping in for the Olympic swimmer, who typically has over ten practices in a week, will not be caught sleeping in the past six am.
What Time Should Swimmers Go to Bed?
Most health experts agree that the growing body needs around eight to a dozen hours of sleep during the adolescent stage.
Adults will need closer to between six and eight hours of sleep for adequate rest. To accommodate the six o’clock wake-up call, swimmers should be in bed around eight or ten to recover for a full night.
This is a general number that can be applied to the average person, and the truth is that some athletes do not require vast amounts of sleep to function. However, rest is extremely important for an athlete because of the mental and physical recovery benefits.
For How Long Should Morning Swimming Last?
For the casual swimmer, a half-hour to hour session daily will be enough for a healthy lifestyle. As for the upper-level competitors, you are going to want to push this number to a possible three to four hours to reach peak abilities.
The key for any athlete is to put the time into your craft, make space in your schedule to allow for maximum cardiovascular and muscular development, and strengthen technique. As with any pursuit, pushing one’s limits is the only way to find out how truly good one can be.
Is Early Swimming Healthier?
This is going to be a debatable point; it is true that getting up in the morning and committing to exercise has many health benefits for those who execute it. One morning-specific benefit is the added energy boost in the morning.
After getting into a routine, the body will naturally wake to anticipate the endorphin-releasing workouts about to be done.
The main thing is to get out into the pool. If you are a swimmer, get into the water and enjoy the activity you love. Morning, or if not possible, get some work in during the afternoon or evening.
Final Thoughts on Why do Swimmers Practice so Early in the Morning
If you are looking for a change in lifestyle, mental mindset, or similar, consider adding an early morning workout. Most people in their youth would stay up late to enjoy activities while the adults were asleep.
As we age, most of us continue that trend of staying up late, but as mentioned, the benefits that come from regular exercise and the new lifestyle that comes with getting up early to work out make this a plausible choice for those in need of change.
Olympians are the strictest of athletes when it comes to sleep, waking, and practice schedules. To be like them takes discipline and loads of hard work in the early morning hours.