Why Does The Pool Make Me So Tired?
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Have you gone swimming in the pool and felt like you are barely able to keep your eyes open? Perhaps you feel exhausted even when you do a moderate swim.
Most people don’t realize it, but swimming takes a lot of strength, stamina, and muscle. It has the potential to work out almost every muscle in your body, so it makes sense that you would be tired after the pool.
Sometimes, not eating correctly or not getting enough water can also increase the exhaustion levels you feel. So take the time to eat, get plenty of electrolytes before and after your swim, and see if that helps you feel better.

Does this Happen to Everyone?
It is normal to feel tired after swimming in the pool. However, swimming is considered an amazing exercise because it uses almost every muscle in your body all at once.
Also, some pools may be heated or warmer than others. This can lead to fatigue when you’re swimming. Usually, the ideal pool temperature is somewhere between 77 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you have weaker or damaged lungs, chlorine may also affect them. While it isn’t a serious problem, it may mean you are working harder to get oxygen and tiring yourself out faster.
This may not happen to everyone, but it is common, especially if you are just a few weeks into swimming or are just starting to swim in pools. Even using a different pool than you usually do can cause you to be tired where you weren’t before.

How Can You Stop it?
If you are just getting started with swimming or are trying something new when you are swimming, it is normal to be tired. Swimming takes a lot of energy and strength. If this is the case, the only way to stop it is to continue practicing.
Additional practice will help you build muscle mass, increase your lung capacity, and increase your stamina as well. After a while, you will no longer feel so tired when you are done swimming and will be able to push yourself further.
If you have felt fired often after swimming, despite being experienced, you may want to ensure your pacing and body position are correct.
No matter which swimming style you are doing, if you aren’t doing it correctly, you may work harder than necessary and tire yourself out.
Can Certain Foods Make You Feel More Tired?
Often, foods that are high in protein and carbs will make you feel more tired. Also, eating a bigger meal that makes you feel overly full can tire you out as your body works to process the meal.
There is a reverse to this, however. Proteins and carbs are the main sources of energy your body gets while you are swimming. Carbs provide fuel for your body while protein helps you to build muscle.
This means that you shouldn’t go without these two foods before swimming, or you won’t have enough energy to continue swimming and will feel tired as well.
Instead, you should make sure you get protein and carbs, but don’t fill yourself up so much that you are overly full and feel uncomfortable. Also, ensure you eat healthy carbs like fruit rather than crackers and candy.
Should You Have Coffee Before Swimming?
Caffeine in coffee can help with swimming, and you can drink coffee before a swim in moderation. Caffeine can reduce fatigue, or at least delay it, and it can reduce inflammation.
Both of these can help with before and after a swim, as you will feel less pain after your swim and you won’t be so tired. Additionally, you can increase your concentration while swimming with caffeine, which helps you to stay focused on your strokes and timing.
However, you want to make sure that you aren’t dehydrating yourself by only drinking coffee. Make sure you are getting plenty of water and electrolytes as well, both before and after a swim.
What Are Some Pro Tips for it?
One of the biggest tips for not being so tired after a swim is to make sure that you are not dehydrating yourself. Make sure that you aren’t only drinking a lot of water but also getting a lot of electrolytes.
When swimming, you may not realize that you are thirsty, but drinking is important anyway. Dehydration can cause you to get injured, have a headache, be in pain, and become exhausted at the end of a swim.
Also, most swim meets are early in the morning. If this is the case for you, you may have missed breakfast a few times due to not being awake yet. Therefore, it is important to ensure you eat a hearty meal with carbs and proteins to have the energy and stamina you need to swim.
This is especially true for long swims. Some meets can last up to 12 hours. Trying to do all of that on an empty stomach burns up your fuel reserves and leaves you exhausted and irritable.
Though it may sometimes be outside of your control, also try and think about temperatures. Too hot or too cold of a pool can lead you to become more exhausted. On the other hand, a hot pool will dehydrate you faster and cause fatigue.
A cold pool will burn through your energy reserve as you fight to stay at a healthy temperature. This is why finding a pool that is somewhere between 77 to 81 degrees is ideal.
Final Thoughts on Pool Making You Tired
If you find yourself exhausted after swimming, don’t feel bad. You aren’t alone, and many factors can cause exhaustion.
Not only is it a big workout that your body might not be used to, but if you aren’t doing the swim or pacing correctly, you could be working yourself harder than you realize.
Additionally, taking the time to eat the proper foods and ensure you even eat before a swim can greatly impact your health.
Making sure you are taking care of yourself and being aware of what your body needs, whether it be food or water, is important and key to reducing fatigue.